Péter Heltai, Ambassador-at-Large of the Hungary Helps Initiative held talks with Salvatore Martinez, Head of the Italian Foreign Ministry’s Observatory on Religious Minorities in the World and the Respect for Religious Freedom.

Mr. Heltai gave Mr. Martinez an overview of the goals of the Hungary Helps Initiative and the humanitarian and development projects currently supported by the Hungarian Government. He said that the Hungarian Government is interested in keeping in place those affected by the migration crisis and assists in helping them stay at home through supporting the persecuted Christian communities.

Salvatore Martinez said he appreciated the way Hungary stood by the African and Middle-Eastern Christian communities that are experiencing difficulties, and accepted the Hungarian ambassador’s invitation to Budapest so that the two organisations can begin finding ways of tangible cooperation. He also invited the roving ambassador to an Italian conference in December, where he will have further opportunities to present the Hungary Helps Initiative to Italians.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)