Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó consulted with his Chinese counterpart by telephone with relation to the coronavirus situation; Wang Yi thanked Hungary for its solidarity with relation to combatting the coronavirus epidemic.

In a post on his Facebook page on Monday, Mr. Szijjártó said the Chinese Foreign Minister, with whom he maintains “particularly friendly relations over and above the necessary official links”, had called him while on his way home from Belgrade. Wang Yi expressed his thanks for the solidarity that Hungary has shown with relation to combatting the coronavirus epidemic, and for the fact that we were “among the first to send protective equipment and a message of encouragement”. The Chinese Foreign Minister said that outside of Hubei Province new instances of infection are only occurring in a few, isolated cases, and people who have previously fallen ill are recovering at an order of magnitude of around a thousand-a-day. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó asked his Chinese counterpart to pass on his highest appreciation to Chinese doctors and nurses for the superhuman effort with which they have been helping the sick night and day. Mr. Szijjártó also informed his colleague that Hungary remains free from the virus, but that “we are prepared for all eventualities”.