Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó expressed his condolences and sympathy to the Polish President’s cabinet chief Krzysztof Szczerski with relation to the accident involving a coach transporting Polish citizens, the Minister said on his social media page.

In the post, Mr. Szijjártó wrote: The Hungarian authorities, the police, the ambulance service and hospital staff are doing and have done everything possible, with relation to which his Polish colleague expressed his thanks. “The Hungarian government is providing all possible assistance to the Polish Embassy in Budapest to enable those involved in the accident to return home”, he added.
The Polish coach drove into the ditch on the M5 motorway on Sunday night, and rolled over. A 35-year-old man lost his life in the crash, and many others were injured. According to information provided by the Bács-Kiskun County police authority, there were two drivers and 44 passengers on the coach, all of whom were taken to hospital for a medical check-up.

(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)