Péter Szijjártó held talks on further possible investments and development projects at the Opel plant in Szentgotthárd on Friday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a post on his official Facebook page.

“The investment projects would not only bring with them the further development of the Szentgotthárd plant, but also of the automotive industry, which provides the backbone of the Hungarian economy”, he wrote in his post. The Minister also stated that a new CEO will soon be at the head of the Szentgotthárd engine plant in the person of Olívia Mesics. In his post, Mr. Szijjártó recalled that the Opel plant in Szentgotthárd was the first major automotive industry investment in Hungary; Opel established its subsidiary in 1990. Opel is now owned by the PSA Group, which is hallmarked by the Peugeot, Open and Citroen brands. The company began the production of one of its most important petrol engines in Szentgotthárd this year, with a capacity of 350 thousand-a-year.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)