Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó received Angola’s Minister of Energy and Water João Baptista Borges on Monday, the Ministry said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI.

According to the statement, a memorandum of understanding on the conclusion of an energy and water industry cooperation agreement between the two countries was signed during the meeting. “Angola is Africa’s second largest oil producer, and gas turbines and other equipment manufactured in Hungary are paying a major role in its energy supply. In the interests of its own energy supply, Angola is planning to purchase Hungarian-produced equipment with a high level of technology in view of the fact that over half its population still does not have access to electricity”, the statement reads. “In view of the fact that only 49 percent of the population has access to drinking water, the Angolan government has drawn-up a development plan for supplying 20 districts with water, in which it is affording Hungarian water industry enterprises an opportunity to become involved”, the Ministry added.