Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó rejects Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström’s “arrogant” words of criticism levelled at Hungary in an interview given to a Swedish daily newspaper.

Mr Szijjártó responded to the fact that in an interview published on the Internet portal of the Swedish national daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Thursday, Margot Wallström said, among other things, that Hungary is a problematic country. Hungary prevents the EU on a number of occasions from speaking in a single voice.

In his reply, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade stressed that the Swedish pro-immigration government has steered Sweden to a state of internal political uncertainty, and there is no way of knowing when Sweden will have a new government. Despite this, Margot Wallström believes it is important to criticize Hungary.

Mr Szijjártó drew attention to the fact that the Hungarian people had elected the Orbán Government with a large majority for a third consecutive time, and stability is a precious asset during such a period riddled with challenges.

According to the minister, the pro-immigration Swedish foreign minister takes Hungary to task over Europe’s unity, while her own country is divided. “We know that pro-immigration forces cannot tolerate any opinion other than their own, but we can reassure the Swedish foreign minister: we will preserve Hungary as a Hungarian country under any circumstances”, the minister stressed.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)