Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has sent a letter to the Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish foreign ministers because of their joint letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

The Minister also made the letter he wrote to the foreign ministers of the five countries public on his Facebook page on Monday evening. The letter states: “The spreading of fake news about certain countries of the European family can only lead to fragmentation, and undermines the functioning of these multilateral institutions”.

Mr. Szijjártó highlighted the fact that he regards it as his duty to express his major concern and disappointment in view of the fact that in their letter the ministers specifically cite Hungary and the measures that the government has introduced in the interests of combatting the coronavirus epidemic.
He also expressed his disappointment with relation to the fact that the assurances that have been provided on various forums concerning the need and proportionality of the Hungarian “Coronavirus Act” have not dispersed the concerns, and the “unfounded, politically motivated attacks” on Hungary have not ceased.

Mr. Szijjártó stressed that the Act in fact expands the Hungarian National Assembly’s privileges with relation to the Hungarian government. It does not include any kind of restriction concerning the activities of the National Assembly, which continues to practice supervision and control.
“Furthermore, the Act provides an opportunity for Parliament to rescind the mandate at any time”, he added. “The government may only introduce special measures if the measures are required in view of the development of the epidemic, and provided they are proportionate in the interests of protecting the lives, health and security of citizens and economic stability”, he underlined.

“The National Assembly remains in session, and all institutions and authorities are continuing their work. Measures introduced in accordance with the Act on Protecting Against the Coronavirus will only remain in force until the state of emergency is lifted”, he added.
“The essence of the Council of Europe is open dialogue and cooperation”, the Minister said, adding that he remains prepared to discuss any concerns that may arise. He emphasised that the Hungarian people have the capacity to make suitable decisions about the future of their own country, and asked that their capacity for doing so should not be called into question.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)