Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has sent the various points of the Soros Plan to the Austrian President in view of the fact that Alexander Van der Bellen recently stated that George Soros has nothing to do with the wave of migration aimed at Europe, the Foreign Ministry’s Deputy State Secretary for Communication Tamás Menczer told the press.

According to the statement, the Soros Plan has also been at the centre of political debates in Austria in recent weeks. “George Soros uses the word ‘plan’ himself, and has written down in detail that he wants to bring millions of migrants into Europe and then distribute them”, Mr. Menczer said. “His previous statements include the fact that George Soros wants to do away with national borders, and that he believes the European Union should provide major funding to support the resettlement of migrants, with the required monies being deducted from member states”, the statement reads.

“Alexander Van de Bellen recently stated that George Soros has nothing to do with the wave of migration aimed at Europe, and so Mr. Szijjártó has sent the Austrian President the various points of the Soros Plan”, Mr. Menczer stated.

“In the letter, the Hungarian Foreign Minister informed the Austrian head of state with regard to the fact that the Soros Plan led to heated debates in Hungary, after which at the parliamentary elections in April the people of Hungary clearly voted in favour of protecting the country’s security and sovereignty, and stopping migration”, the Deputy State Secretary told the press.

Following the Austrian President’s statement, Mr. Szijjártó issued a statement in which he expressed his regret with regard to the fact that Alexander Van der Bellen has sided with George Soros and the migrants. “If Alexander Van der Bellen wants an Austria that is flooded with migrants, he will have to settle accounts with the Austrian electorate with relation to the issue. The Hungarian Government wants to build the country’s future on Hungarian families who live in peace and security, not on migrants”, the Foreign Minister wrote.