Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó and South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha visited the site of Wednesday’s Danube boat accident on Friday.

Amongst others, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ State Secretary for Civil Intelligence Tamás Vargha and State Secretary for Information and the International Representation of Hungary Tamás Menczer were also present at the boat station in Budapest, as was National Ambulance Service spokesperson Pál Győrfi. Two generals from the emergency management services and some staff from the Korean Embassy also took part in the event.

On Wednesday evening, two ships collided in Budapest near Margaret island, one of which, the Hableány (Mermaid), sank with two Hungarian crewmembers and thirty-one South Koreans tourists aboard. Seven people are confirmed to have died in the accident, seven were slightly injured, and twenty-one people remain missing.