“Preparations for the three new Hungarian-Slovakian transport axes are progressing well”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Parliamentary State Secretary told Hungarian reporters in Bratislava on Thursday, were he held talks with officials from the Slovakian Government involved in the investment projects.

The three new transport axes are the new bridge across the Danube at Komárom (Komárno), the new motorway connecting Rajka and Győr, and the Miskolc-Košice motorway, the construction of which will soon commence.

Mr. Magyar told reporters: An agreement has been reached on the fact that the foundation stone of the new bridge spanning the Danube at Komárom will be laid thin a few weeks with the participation of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. The construction of the final stretch of the Budapest-Bratislava motorway, the M15, is also expected to begin this year, while the 230-240 billion forint (EUR 750-780 million) budget for the construction of the Hungarian stretch of the Miskolc-Košice has already been set aside, and preparations for the project are going ahead at full speed, with construction expected to begin next year, he added.

In addition to the major development projects aimed at boosting the economy of regions neighbouring the almost 700 kilometre stretch of common border, several smaller transport connections are also planned, although these require further action, the State Secretary pointed out. An agreement was previously concluded on connecting the two countries’ border regions with 21 smaller-scale road links, and although this program is also making progress, there are various delays, primarily due to problems with co-financing on the part of member states and local governments, he explained. “it would seem that we will also succeed in finding a solution to these issues, and the construction of at least 5-6 road links along the joint border van begin next year at the latest”, he added.

Mr. Magyar said he sees further excellent opportunities for the development of transport links between the two countries, such as the fact that there exist 7 rail links between Hungary and Slovakia on which there is currently no passenger traffic.

“We would like to handle this problem as soon as possible and as effectively as possible, for instance launching rail passenger transport between Győr and Bratislava at the earliest possible opportunity”, the State Secretary emphasised. “Re-launching rail passenger transport along the planned stretch of railway line should also provide a solution to enabling local border traffic, which in many cases is not currently provided for”, he added.

During his visit to Bratislava, Mr. Magyar also visited the headquarters of the Party of the Hungarian Community (MKP), where he held talks with the leaders of the Slovakian Hungarian party on current economic and foreign policy topics affecting the local Hungarian community, and the planned infrastructure development projects.