“The right thing would be for pressure not to be placed on Hungary from new York and Brussels in the interests of implementing unsuccessful models, because while attempts based on migration have failed in Europe, the Hungarian model has become an international success story”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in New York on Tuesday at a session of the UN Economic and Social Affairs Council (ECOSOC).

“In Europe in recent years, economic policy and social policy strategies based on migration have failed”, the Minister underlined. “Because these lead to the establishment of parallel societies, and through them to the development of social tensions and security risks, while they have failed to achieve the hoped economic results, and migration has also not proven to be the right solution to job market challenges in the countries of Western Europe”, he declared.

“In contrast, in Hungary in recent years we have succeeded in achieving a rate of economic growth that has enabled major funding for families, through which the Government has also made it clear that instead of immigration it sees supporting families as the right response to the demographic and job market challenges that are undoubtedly affecting Europe, including Central Europe”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted.

“Through the Hungarian model and as a result of major effort, we have succeeded in preserving the country’s security, in addition to which we also have the capacity to ‘take assistance to where the trouble is’. This model has therefore been successful with relation to economic growth, supporting families, preserving security and supporting communities in need. Accordingly, the Hungarian Government regards it as unacceptable for pressure to be placed on Hungary from Brussels or New York”, Mr. Szijjártó underlined at the session of the UN council.