Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recommended Péter Szijjártó for Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade to the President of Hungary, said Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s press chief.

This morning, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Tibor Navracsics notified President János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that he wished to step down due to his preparation for the hearing in front of the European Parliament on the 1st of October. He was appointed to be EU commissioner for education, culture, youth and citizenship.

The Prime Minister gave a written notice to the President of Hungary of the Minister’s resignation, suggesting that he would leave office as of 22nd of September. He also informed the President of the resignation of Deputy Minister Szijjártó from his position as state secretary of the Ministry, effective from next Monday as well, according to the documents sent to the press by the Prime Minister’s press chief.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sent a letter to László Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly, about his intention to recommend Péter Szijjártó for new Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, requesting the Speaker to make the necessary arrangements for the candidate’s committee hearings.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)