“Protecting Hungary’s borders also means protecting the external borders of Europe”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Parliamentary State Secretary said on Thursday at a National Consultation forum in Kőszeg.

Refereeing to border protection, Levente Magyar said: “Accordingly, Hungary currently represents ‘the most European’ standpoint in the EU debate on migration”. “And by consistently insisting on values such as Christianity and national culture, and continuing to view European fundamental rights such as assuring the free movement of workers as important, Hungary is defending its Europeanness”, he added.

At the Kőszeg stop of the series of public forums being organised nationwide within the framework of the ‘Fidesz Let’s Protect Hungary’ roadshow, the State Secretary stressed: Hungary must be protected from everything that the “Soros Plan” represents, and which this “very talented and extremely rich” person wants to make a reality.

“Unfortunately, George Soros is using his talents and money to weaken Europe and Hungary, through trying to achieve the uncontrolled acceptance of millions on immigrants”, Mr. Magyar said.

He pointed out that within the framework of the National Consultation, by filling out the attached questionnaire, the public has the opportunity to support the Government’s standpoint in its dispute with Brussels. 1.3 million people have returned their questionnaires so far, he told the press.

The State Secretary said that in his opinion Fidesz is currently the only party with a policy that is capable of defending the country from illegal migration. “If those who would allow resettlement were to come to power, everything we have achieved during the past seven years would also be endangered”, he added.

“Hungary does not want to be an immigrant country’, he stressed.