“Protecting jobs and creating new workplaces requires investment projects”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in Budapest on Monday at a ceremony to present funding certificates within the framework of the competitiveness-increasing program.

Mr. Szijjártó said Hungary had closed the first phase of protection against the coronavirus epidemic, the phase concentrating on healthcare. “We have successfully prevented the development of mass infections, and accordingly in the second stage, in addition to healthcare tasks, we are now adding economic tasks”, he added, highlighting that people’s jobs must be protected.
“This is only possible through funding enterprises that are willing to realise investment projects even under these extremely difficult conditions”, the Minister declared. “Even during the pandemic, enterprises must develop, introduce new technologies and expand their capacities in the interests of enabling Hungarian enterprises to enter the new global economic competition from a better position than they were in before the epidemic”, he stated.
“806 enterprises are receiving funding within the framework of the competitiveness-increasing program, and these companies have undertaken to realise 377 billion forints (EUR 1.087 billion) in investment, towards which the government is contributing 169 billion forints (EUR 487 million) in state funding”, he said. “These enterprises will be protecting some 144 thousand workplaces”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised.

As he explained, following 2010 even a Hungarian economy that was in a much weaker state than it is in currently succeeded in turning the global economic challenges to its own advantage, and so now that a Hungarian economy that is at full strength is facing challenges of similar proportions, there is a much greater chance of success.
Three more companies were presented with their funding certificates at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Monday. Mr. Szijjártó said with relation to the three enterprises that they will be realising a total of 1.36 billion forints (EUR 3.92 million) in investments, towards which the government is contributing 681 million forints (EUR 1.96 million) in funding, and as a result they will be protecting 888 workplaces.

Modine Hungária Limited’s 574-million-forint (EUR 1.65 million) investment project is receiving 287 million forints (EUR 827 thousand) in state funding. The manufacturer of radiators and oil heaters for mainly commercial vehicles, which operates in Mezőkövesd and Gyöngyös, will be realising technological modernisation with the help of the funding, which will enable the company to enter new markets. Member of Parliament for the Mezőkövesd area András Tállai (Fidesz) spoke about the fact that the company provides stable workplaces, and a stable income and living for people in the city, and has kept all of its employees throughout the crisis. “Modine Hungária’s business policy is in harmony with the Cabinet’s economic policy”, he added. Member of Parliament for the Gyöngyös area László Horváth (Fidesz) praised the company, emphasising that even amid the current crisis the company is looking for the opportunities and new pathways being made possible by the difficult situation.

Motor-Classic Zrt’s investment of 572 million forints (EUR 1.65 million) has been awarded 286 million forints (EUR 824 thousand) in state funding. The Tatabánya-based company that deals in trading and restoring veteran cars will be purchasing new equipment and creating a further ten workplaces. Member of Parliament for Tatabánya János Bencsik (Fidesz) said companies have been working to assure that a new economic structure assures a dependable living for the population of the Tata Basin for some 30 years. “These companies, including Motor-Classic Zrt., are successful because they are creative and dependable, and because they create value”, he added.

Pata József Limited is realising an investment of 215 million forints (EUR 620 thousand) towards which the government is contributing 107 million forints (EUR 308 thousand) in state funding. The automotive supplier, which operates in the Bács-Kiskun County town of Fajsz, will be purchasing and modernising equipment with the help of the funding. The area’s Member of Parliament Róbert Zsigó (Fidesz) spoke about the fact that thanks to the measures introduced since 2010, the Hungarian economy was one of Europe’s most dynamically developing economies prior to the crisis, but the economy essentially “came to a standstill from one day to the next” in March as a result of the epidemic. He added that thanks to the economy protection measures introduced by the government to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic, Pata József Limited “can now breathe, and has been given a chance and access to competitiveness-increasing funding”.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)