“Swiss-owned Rehau-Automotive Limited will be establishing a new polymer car parts manufacturing plant in Újhartyán; the investment will create 727 new jobs”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on Tuesday in Budapest.

“Thanks to the investment, Hungary will further reinforce its position as one of the bastions of the European automotive industry”, the Minister said, explaining that the automotive industry is the flagship of the transition to the digital era, meaning that Hungary, which is competitive within this field, is also competitive with regard to the whole of the economy. The automotive industry is one of the most innovative sectors, meaning it is the key to success in the new economic age, he added.

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Rehau-Automotive is one of the most important automotive industry suppliers in Hungary and one of the leading companies on the global market, a supplier to the world’s largest car manufacturers. The company is also expanding its facility in Győr in view of increasing demand form Audi, and the reason for the greenfield investment project in Újhartyán is that Mercedes is building its second plant in Kecskemét, and Rehau-Automotive is also one of the most important suppliers to the Mercedes-Benz, Mr. Szijjártó told the press.

The Minister also spoke about the fact that this is the third largest and tenth most valuable investment project of its kind since the Government was reflected in 2014, adding that the Government is providing 7.1 billion forints (EUR 22.8 million) in non-returnable funding towards the project.

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Mr. Szijjártó highlighted the fact that the new production plant will be one of the world’s most modern facilities.
According to the Minister, Rehau’s new plant will be manufacturing polymer exterior components such as bumpers and spoilers. The company will be spending a total of some 150 million euros on constructing the new plant, which will have a production space of 63 thousand square metres, he added.

Work will begin in March and will be completed in April 2019, he told reporters.