Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz was in Warsaw on 28 June 2016 to discuss the further reinforcement of bilateral relations and the harmonisation of Polish-Hungarian standpoints on current international processes in preparation for the Polish Presidency of the Visegrád Group (V4), which begins on 1 J

During his one-day visit to Warsaw, Mr. Altusz held negotiations at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Deputy State Secretary for Bilateral Relations Katerzyna Kacperczyk, Chairman of the Polish Senate Grzegorz Czelej, Chairman of Polish Parliament’s European Affairs Committee  Izabela Kloc and the Polish Foreign Minister’s Chief Advisor on Security Policy Przemyslaw Zurawski vel Grajewski, in addition to meeting young researchers from the Polish Foreign Affairs Institute within the framework of a workshop discussion.

The main topics of discussion at the various meetings included the British referendum of 23 June 2016 and Great Britain’s exit of the European Union, and in consequence the future of the European Union. In addition, the parties also discussed preparations for the upcoming NATO Summit in Warsaw on 8 July 2016, developments with relation to the migration crisis and opportunities to further tighten V4 cooperation. The parties discussed current topics relating to intensive Polish-Hungarian political and economic relations and reviewed upcoming high-level events and the Polish programme of the Hungarian Cultural Season for 2016.

Thanks to the talks, the friendly and trusted nature of Polish-Hungarian relations, the intention to jointly solve the challenges facing the European Union and the need for a more prominent joint representation of Central European interests have been confirmed.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)