“Judith Sargentini knows nothing about Hungary”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s State Secretary for Information and the International Representation of Hungary Tamás Menczer said in a video message published on the 888.hu website on Friday in reaction to the video message posted by the Green Party MEP.

In the video, the State Secretary said: “Judith Sargentini has attacked Hungary once again”. “Sargentini is the Green Party MEP who prepared a report on Hungary last summer, which was ‘a collection of qualified lies’, and to which the Hungarian Government replied point-by-point”, he added. “Now, sparing no time or energy, Sargentini and her colleague have concocted a 15-minute video, and she is now attacking Hungary in this video”, the State Secretary said.

“This video is exactly like her report: it is full of lies. For instance, the video includes the basic premise that this dispute is not about migration. Well of course it is, we all know that’s what it’s about”, Mr. Menczer said. The State Secretary also mentioned that Judith Sargentini claims she was “escorted out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, but the reality is that “when Ms. Sargentini arrived, she was politely escorted inside, and following the meeting she was politely escorted out, and during the course of the meeting we were infinitely gracious with her”.

As he explained, nothing out of the ordinary happened; she left the building via the Foreign Ministry’s protocol exit. “One thing transpired: that this woman knows absolutely nothing about Hungary”, the State Secretary said. The politician also mentioned that Judith Sargentini complained about the fact that she was asked on the street by reporters. “This is pretty strange, since until now she has been the one voicing concerns with relation to the freedom of the press in Hungary. Or maybe freedom of the press doesn’t include the fact that she too can be asked questions”, Mr. Menczer noted.

“In summary, Sargentini said she will defend the Hungarians”, the State Secretary said. “From whom, you ask? From ourselves. Thank you, but we want nothing of that; our historical experiences are bad with respect to this kind of thing”, Mr. Menczer said in closing.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)