It is now perfectly clear that some European leaders are acting contrary to European values and interests when it comes to having to face the challenges of migration, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said at the strategic conference held in Bled, Slovenia.

Péter Szijjártó also met with Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov and Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki.

The policy proposed by the European Union which is based on mandatory migrant quotas has failed for two reasons in the Minister’s view.

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While the EU was talking about the re-distribution of 60,000 people, 160,000 migrants have arrived at the southern border of Hungary alone this year, he said. The second reason being that this was effectively an encouragement for migrants, and what is even more serious, it was equally an encouragement for human traffickers.

„At the same time, those who are attempting to make genuine efforts have been faced with a coordinated smear campaign and criticisms which are based on false claims and lies”, the Minister said in reference to the criticisms levelled against Hungary.

The head of Hungarian diplomacy drew attention to the fact that the situation in the Western Balkans is dramatic. Mr Szijjártó remarked: it is quite obvious that neither Macedonia, nor Serbia can be expected to stop the flood of migrants while these people are arriving in their countries from the EU. Greece as an EU Member State does not register migrants, and they can therefore easily travel on to Macedonia, he said.

Hungary is urging the organisation of a migrant conference in Budapest with the participation of EU Member States, countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey within the shortest possible time. A situation has evolved in the Western Balkans which the European Union must take note of and manage, Mr Szijjártó stressed.
„We have been making serious efforts for a very long time now for the EU to recognise that greater pressure is being exerted on Europe via the Western Balkans route than via the Mediterranean”, he pointed out.

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The Minister said that an extraordinary Visegrád meeting will also be held on Friday, to be attended by Luxembourg currently holding the EU Presidency, as Central-Europe must take a united stance when it comes to voicing its position.

Regarding the migrant situation in Hungary, Mr Szijjártó said: Hungary will continue to observe the relevant EU regulations, and from among these, compliance with the Schengen regulations is one of the most important directions. At the same time, it is the duty and responsibility of the Member States to protect the exterior borders of the EU, the Minister stressed, and added: it is necessary to enforce, in compliance with the Schengen Code, that anyone who wants to enter the Schengen zone should do so via the designated border-crossing stations, during the opening hours thereof.

The Minister pointed out that this is just what Hungary is doing, and despite its best efforts, it is compelled to face a coordinated smear campaign in the international media. „This is disappointing because if we did not do what we are doing, we would be scorned for not meeting our obligations”, he said.

Mr Szijjártó takes the view that Europe’s approach to the migrant situation is undignified. “Politicians of the European Union should be making responsible statements because they are playing with fire, and misconstructions lead to aggression”, he underlined.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)