Hungarian Ambassador to Spain Enikő Győri held talks with Juan Jesús Vivas Lara, Mayor-President of the autonomous city of Ceuta in the North African Spanish enclave on 18 September. The Hungarian Ambassador also met with Nicolás Fernández Cucurull, the local representative of the Spanish government, who provided a short presentation to the Ambassador about the double fence that runs along the full length of Cueta’s land border (8.7 km) and its operation.

As a consequence of the current situation, the primary topic of discussion was migration and the Ambassador was informed about the experiences of the North African Spanish enclave in this field.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Spain began constructing a fence along the land border of Cueta in the late 90s to curb illegal immigration, and since then the defence system has been improved and reinforced on several occasions. The initial 2.5-metre chain-link fence has since grown into a six-metre double fence combined with a strong human border security capacity and technical background.

After the visit, the Hungarian Ambassador declared: "Europe can learn from the way Spain protects its southern borders.”

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)