“One of the most important cornerstones of Hungarian foreign policy is standing up for cross-border Hungarians, and the protection and representation of their rights and interests”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s State Secretary for Information and the International Representation of Hungary Tamás Menczer stressed on Tuesday in Budapest.

At the opening event of the Eötvös Loránd University’s Carpathian Basin Hungarian Summer University, Mr. Menczer highlighted: “It is our firm belief that it is definitely better for cross-border Hungarian communities if the Hungarian Cabinet maintains good relations with the governments of neighbouring countries”. He also spoke about the fact that the Government is maintaining continuous contact and dialogue with the national community living in these countries. The State Secretary said the most important conditions for continued existence and prosperity are the use of native language and the presence of Hungarian language education.

With relation to Hungary’s relationship with neighbouring countries and the current situation of cross-border Hungarian communities, Mr. Menczer pointed out: “The Ukrainian Language Act, which strips the Hungarian community living in Transcarpathia of their acquired rights, is unacceptable to Hungary”, adding that the legislation also violated international agreements. However, following the election of the new Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, a “quite careful” optimism now characterises the Hungarian position with relation to the fact that bilateral relations could once again be placed “onto a foundation of mutual respect”, he explained.

Mentioning the case of the Hungarian military cemetery in Úzvölgy (Valea Uzului), the State Secretary pointed out: The conflicts that have developed with Romania must be resolved in such a way that they “do not burden” Central European cooperation. Mr. Menczer characterised Slovakia as a strategic ally and important economic partner. IN his evaluation, relations with Servia have perhaps never before been so good. “We regard their minority policy as exemplary”, he emphasised.

Minister of Human Capacities’ Miklós Kásler’s greeting to the participants of the Summer University was conveyed by the Ministry’s Deputy State Secretary for the Development of Hungarian Education in the Carpathian Basin Zoltán Lőrinczi. He emphasised the role of Hungarian language education in assuring the continued existence of the nation, citing historical examples. Rector of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) László Borhy said the twenty-fourth Summer University is being held with an outstanding number of 188 participants, with every single faculty of the university representing itself with a separate professional program in nine sections.

The priority goal of the event is to enable the participants to acquire new knowledge in their native language in the company of other, “similarly committed” university students. Deputy In his welcome speech, Mayor of Budapest Balázs Szeneczey told the students that Budapest is not just the capital of Hungary, but of the whole Hungarian nation. He pointed out that one of the most important goals of the Budapest 2030 long-term development plan is for the Hungarian capital to be one of Central Europe’s important innovation centres. “The Summer University is playing an extremely important role in this”, he added.