On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the revolution of 1956, Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations has held a palatial commemoration on 17th of October in Unites Nations Headquarters in New York.

Among the 300 guests there were ambassadors of the 193 UN member states, leaders of the organization and New York city’s political and art life’s representatives. The ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. Istvan Mikola State Secretary for Security Policy and International Cooperation.

In his speech State Secretary highlighted that freedom is particularly important for Hungarians, they really know what it means as during our history we needed to fight for it several times.

He quoted Benjamin Franklin as for the importance of international cooperation, mentioning nowadays global problems, migration as well. He called the attention to the danger of drawing a parallel between migration crises and Hungarian migration wave of 1956. He laid down that Hungary would like to take an active part in resolving the global migration crises and sees the solution in the realization of sustainable development.

The speech is available here in its full lenght:

Your Excellency, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is an honour and a great pleasure to address you all exactly 60 years after Hungary’s Revolution and freedom fight has started. I used the term ‘started’ because we all know: even though our fight for freedom was crushed in a blood-soaked offensive in November 1956, in the mind of the Hungarian people, the fight for our freedom has not ended until Hungary became the fully independent, democratic and sovereign country it is today.  Being the spiritual children of 1956, we should respectfully bow to the heroes - known and unknown - who fought, suffered and sacrificed their lives for the freedom that we can enjoy today.
We the Hungarians are a nation that especially appreciates and strives for its freedom. This long struggle is a very important element if one would like to understand the essence of the Hungarian character. We the Hungarians know exactly what freedom means having been forced to fight for it so many times throughout our history.
This is one of the reasons we have become advocates for all nations’ rights to decide on their own independence and fate.
Hungarians are also highly aware of the importance of international cooperation and unity, as essential means to enjoy prosperity.
There isn’t any country in this World, no matter how developed or sovereign it is, that could exist completely independently from the rest of the nations. As Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States once has said: We must all hang together, or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”. During the bi-polar world order, back in 1956, the challenges did not have a chance to be addressed globally. Not today. In our times, we have a chance and an obligation to meet the challenges on the basis of an ever-growing international cooperation.
As you all know, one of the major contemporary global challenges affecting human lives and societies as a whole is migration. This issue requires global responses, responsible, sustainable and fair solutions. Unfortunately, lately we often hear declarations and allegations which are drawing parallels between the exodus of two hundred thousand Hungarians in the aftermath of the defeated revolution and the current migrant crisis.
Drawing parallels between profoundly different historical and geopolitical situations can prove misleading
I firmly believe that the Hungarian refugees of 1956 showed the right example to the world with their conduct.
Today, Hungary wants resolutely to be part of the efforts to address the challenge of mass migration. The focus point of these efforts shall be the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. We are aware that whatever we do today does matter for our children, and will be highly appreciated by the following generations.
In this spirit, we have to accelerate the efforts seeking consolidation in the crisis-hit regions of the world. We need to address the root causes of the migration phenomenon through concentrated and effective international development action. And we also have to be mindful of the human rights aspect of the various crises.
To promote the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is one of the major objectives of Hungary’s bid for the membership of the Human Rights Council for the period between 2017 and 2019. As a former co-chair of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, Hungary has a firm and longstanding dedication to contribute at all levels to the realization of this universal and ambitious roadmap. The role of the Human Rights Council role will be substantial regarding the solid human rights dimension of the SDGs.
In its voluntary pledges Hungary stated its willingness to contribute to the effectiveness of the Council and its mechanisms, notably through leading and sponsoring initiatives in national capacity in a number of thematic issues, such as promotion of minority rights, the independence of the judiciary, responsibility to protect and prevention or reprisals against individuals cooperating with the UN, and lot of others as member of the European Union.
Hungary is willing to engage in the work of the Human Rights Council by sharing the best examples of full cooperation with its mechanisms and special procedures. We are also active in the field of exchange of views and disseminating knowledge about the Council and its mechanisms. For example, for the last eight years we have been organizing the annual Budapest Human Rights Forums, of which the next edition will take place on 17 and 18 November 2016.
With a flexible, open and attentive approach to all views and opinions represented in the Council, we would strive for consensus building on issues like women’s rights and women empowerment, gender equality, children’s rights, minority rights, fight against all kind of discrimination, protection of vulnerable groups, economic, social and cultural rights.
These are of utmost importance in the forthcoming period, in particular in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. On this basis we count on your kind support to our Human Rights Council candidacy!
I’m wishing you all a memorable celebration of freedom for tonight, filled with meaningful and pleasant discussions that can further shape and strengthen our future cooperation.
Thank you for your kind attention!

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary)