The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade welcomed the appreciative words of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State about the two countries’ 25-year-old alliance relationship at the congressional hearing held in Washington on 19 May.

Hungary also considers the US as a friend and an important ally; the security policy and economic co-operation between the two countries is seamless. As a member of NATO, Hungary aspires to contribute to the preservation of the North Atlantic region’s stability and increase its security  through close cooperation with its allies – particularly with the United States.

The Hungarian government is committed to the development of bilateral economic relations, the success of which is proven by consistently expanding investments of American companies in Hungary, which by now employ 90 thousand people in the country..

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, differences are natural even if two countries maintain a close friendship. In recent years, it has become clear that Washington regards certain steps of the Hungarian government as critical. However, Hungary is the part of the EU’s political integration, and therefore, the Hungarian government and parliamentary decisions have to comply with European legislation.

Over the past five years, the European Commission has examined Hungarian legislation in and following a consultation period, the parties have reached an agreement on all key issues. Thus it is clear that the Hungarian legislation in force complies with European law and is in line with European values.

Regarding the Hungarian-American bilateral relationship, the Hungarian Government’s aim is to handle the disputes through dialogue. This way, political relations between the two countries could also rise to the high level  of security policy and economic relations.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)