Hungary’s application for observer membership of the Council of the Baltic Seas States (CBSS) was accepted on 8 June 2016.

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó requested Hungary’s observer membership from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, the current President of the organisation, on 27 November 2015. The final decision on accepting the request was made by CBSS Deputy Foreign Ministers at a meeting in Warsaw today.

The Council, which is a forum for intergovernmental cooperation between the countries of the Baltic Sea region and the European Commission, is concerned with the region’s identity, sustainable development and security. A further 10 countries are involved in the work of the organisation as observer members.

Through its observer status, Hungary also wishes to express its commitment to tightening cooperation with the countries of the Baltic region. Our involvement in the organisation further reinforces relationships between Northern and Central European regional coalitions. As an observer, Hungary will gain an insight into the Council’s work and cooperation strategies. Our presence and active involvement within this framework increases Hungary’s prestige and international room for manoeuvre.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)