The illegal migratory pressure on Hungary does not seem to ease, and that is the reason why a temporary security barrier needs to be built on the Hungarian–Serbian border, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szíjjártó said on Monday, 13 July on M1 news channel of the Hungarian television.

The Minister added that until Monday, more than 78,000 illegal migrants have entered Hungary in this year, more than 77,500 of them arriving across the Hungarian–Serbian border. Therefore, the government made the right decision in creating a “physical obstacle” on that border in order to reduce this “unprecedented migratory pressure”.

Minister Szíjjártó emphasized that these figures also show the absence of a common European policy on refugees, and there is no sign of any process that could reduce the pressure on Hungary.

He stated that Hungary is cooperating with Serbia in reinforcing security on the Serbian–Macedonian border, and also with Serbia and Austria in guarding the Hungarian–Serbian border.

Construction of the temporary fence started on Monday morning, and according to information released by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence, a sample section will be set up on the outskirts of Mórahalom.

(Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade)