“Stopping illegal migration remains the greatest challenge for Hungary and Europe”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Parliamentary State Secretary said at a press conference in Budapest on Monday.

“Increasing numbers of migrants are approaching Hungary from increasing numbers of directions; over two thousand illegal border crossing attempts have been registered since Christmas, and protecting the border and assuring the peace of the holiday period was a major task for the army and police”, Levente Magyar explained. “There is no change with relation to the fact that Hungary is the only country in Europe that is capable and willing to defend itself and the whole continent from illegal migration, while other countries either allow the migrants to pass through or are incapable of getting to grips with this challenge”, he stated. “Europe must learn that peace and security are not given free, but require major sacrifices”, he emphasised.

“Hungary is not insensitive to the suffering of others, however, and this is why it launched the Hungary Helps Program, with which it has already provided funding to enable tens of thousands of people to remain in place and has helped create dignified conditions in the source countries of illegal migration”, Mr. Levente also emphasised. “In addition, Hungary is also helping with an extensive scholarship programme”, he added. “2019 was a difficult year; many battles had to be fought as Hungary was under continues attack because of its standpoint against illegal immigration”, he highlighted, adding that in his opinion this is also expected to be the case this year. In reply to a question, the State Secretary told the press: “There is an obvious relationship between illegal migration, the spread of Islamic extremism in Europe, and the attacks that are linked to these ideals. “It has now become commonplace in Europe for people who have reached Europe via precisely the illegal routes that Hungary is trying to prevent from being used to perpetrate such crimes”, he added.