Hungarians and Americans love freedom, and this ties the two nations together.

US Ambassador to Budapest Colleen Bell gave a reception to mark the 239th anniversary of the independence of the United States. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó highlighted in his speech delivered at the event: Hungary and the United States will have to cooperate closely also in the future, and Hungary will always be ready to discuss every important issue as friends and allies do.

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At the same time, the foreign minister announced: the Hungarian Consulate General will be re-opened in Chicago in September.

Europe is facing enormous challenges today, and when Hungary is considering the answers with which to respond to these, it relies on close cooperation with the United States. The two countries have already made a great many efforts in the fight against terrorism, and the Hungarian Parliament has recently decided to deploy a military mission to fight alongside their US counterparts in order to curb terrorism and to improve the situation in the Middle-East, he said.

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Mr Szijjártó further mentioned that the energy security of Central-Europe is an important goal. It is in Hungary’s best interest to find a solution to this problem, and Hungary relies on the support of the United States on this issue. The Minister stated that Hungary has a vested interest in a stable, peaceful and strong Ukraine, also on account of the 150,000 Transcarpathian Hungarians living there.

Mr Szijjártó stressed the importance of Hungarian-US economic cooperation, and drew attention to the fact that while Europe is facing formidable economic challenges, Hungarian-US business relations are steadily improving.

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The US Ambassador spoke about the significance of cooperation between the United States and Hungary, and reiterated herself that both countries are committed to freedom.

Colleen Bell pointed out: 4 July is a special day, the day of independence in the United States, when one of the most significant anniversaries in US history is celebrated. 239 years ago the colonies at the time gained independence, became free, and approved the Declaration of Independence on the basis of the values of freedom and justice, the Ambassador reminded her audience. She added: the American people celebrate this day with parades, picnics and fireworks, rather than with a military parade and a show of arms.

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The diplomat stated: while the United States celebrates its independence on this day, forging alliances is equally important from the respect of security and strength. The United States is an ally of Hungary under the auspices of NATO, and both countries are committed to peace and security, she said.

The Ambassador also highlighted the significance of the business relations which tie the two countries together.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)