Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has turned to the European Commission and the relative officials of the United Nations with relation to the anonymous bank cards being distributed to migrants and refugees, the Minister himself announced in the recess of a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels on Monday.

At his press conference, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade told reporters that, amongst others, he is awaiting replies from UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi and EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos with relation to how many such programmes have been launched, and within the framework of these programmes how many bank cards have been distributed to illegal immigrants, the total sum of funding provided and from what source(s), as well as with regard to whether the programme was effectuated directly, or via non-governmental organisations.

The Minister said that in his opinion the distribution of anonymous bank cards is “a terribly dangerous manoeuvre” and makes the fight against terrorism and people smuggling more difficult, but is absolutely in line with the approach being represented by the UN Global Compact for Migration.

Mr. Szijjártó said the programme was unacceptable, explaining that it was “too much” that while in recent years Hungary has spent almost one billion euros on protecting its southern border, migrants arriving on the Western Balkan migration route are being provided with such cards.

The Minister was asked about the statement made last week by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to which in 2015 the Hungarian Government asked Vienna and Berlin to provide assistance by accepting refugees. Mr. Szijjártó refused to comment, explaining that “German domestic politics is in a turbulent period (…) and all kinds of statements are being made amidst the various positioning and tactics”.