There is a pro-immigration Dutch Government, whose standpoint is represented by the pro-immigration Dutch Ambassador, and there is a pro-security Hungarian Government that has made it clear that it will not allow illegal immigrants onto its own territory and would not like illegal immigrants to flood Europe”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Hungarian M1 television’s Monday morning current affairs program.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, we cannot talk about terrorism as if it were a distant danger following the attacks in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium and Great Britain.

These attacks were all related to immigration, because “they were committed by illegal immigrants or the descendants of families who had immigrated previously”, the Minister added.

Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that the Hungarian Government will not accept the fact that car attacks “can happen anywhere”; “we would not like there to be any attacks”.

IN an interview, outgoing Dutch Ambassador to Budapest Gajus Scheltema said “the danger is far away from us and seems a lot greater than it actually is”, and in reply to a question with concerning the fact that the Barcelona attack is also an indication that the danger is not that distant, said: “car attacks can happen anywhere”.

In the interview, the Ambassador also claimed: extremists Islamists “create enemies according to the same principles as the Hungarian Government”.

In reaction the latter allegation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade ordered Hungary’s Ambassador to Holland home for consultation, because according to the Minister is it unacceptable  for the Dutch Ambassador to equate the terrorists to Hungary and the Hungarian Government.

Mr. Szijjártó said he greatly appreciated the fact that the Dutch Foreign Minister called him on Friday and disassociated himself with Gajus Scheltema’s statements concerning terrorism.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister said he does not want to exacerbate the conflict and would be consulting with Hungary’s recalled Ambassador to The Hague on Monday, following which a decision will be made on what steps should be taken next.

On Kossuth Radio’s Monday morning “180 Minutes” program, Mr. Szijjártó also reacted to comments by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. In an interview published in the Sunday edition of German weekly magazine Welt am Sonntag, the German Chancellor said that in 2015 Hungary has misled the immigrants, who as a result had set off on foot towards Austria and Germany.

With relation to this, the Foreign Minister explained: “Nobody in Hungary has ever misled illegal immigrants”.

According to the Minister, Hungary has always represented the standpoint according to which European regulations must be obeyed, people cannot enter the territory of the European Union illegally, and if someone submits a request for asylum then they must wait for the conclusion of their asylum procedure in the EU member state in which the request was submitted.

“Once the statements were made in Germany according to which if someone comes from Syria and reaches Germany by whatever means, the required asylum procedures will be conducted in Germany, all opportunities for any kind of cooperation with illegal immigrants arriving here ceased; they wanted to go to Germany. So this was a complex problem in 2015, unfortunately”, Mr. Szijjártó said in closing.