“It is unacceptable that according to news reports a minibus carrying Hungarian schoolchildren has been attacked by migrants near Calais, France, and this is also an indication of the fact that the security situation in Europe is getting increasingly worse”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed at a press conference.

“Hungary’s foreign representations have received no official information on the incident, and only found out about it from the media”, the Minister added. Mr. Szijjártó asked Hungarian diplomatic staff to try and contact the directors of the institution and help the group as necessary.

According to news reports, a minibus carry children and teachers from the Kandó Kálmán Vocational High School in Kecskemét was forced to slow down by a roadblock built by migrants on the motorway near Calais, after which the vehicle was pelted with rocks and bricks, with several windows breaking, before successfully escaping the scene. Children later told reports they thought they were all going to die.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)