Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó expressed his regret that the Austrian head of state has sided the George Soros and the migrants.

The Minister issued a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI in response to the fact that Austrian political news magazine Profil published an interview with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen in which the paper highlighted: President Van der Bellen is defending George Soros, who has already been a visitor at the Hofburg presidential palace.

The Austrian President explained that Austria should side with French President Emmanuel Macron, and not with the Visegrád Group (V4) “because the countries of the Visegrád Group have nothing exciting to offer Europe, despite the fact that they have extremely intelligent politicians, including Viktor Orbán”. In the eyes of the President, George Soros represents civil society and is a humanitarian who has spent millions to fund universities and non-governmental organisations that serve democracy. “Many agree with the billionaire that Europe is struggling with demographic problems and must rely on immigration”, he stressed. President Van der Bellen added that he thinks the integration of immigrants is extremely important, because otherwise this could backfire and cause problems in 10-20 years’ time, meaning they must be assisted in acquiring a suitable diploma and a job, and much must be done in particular for the children, the paper wrote.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, the paper is wrong, “George Soros doesn’t represent the people of Europe, but the migrants, and above all else his own interests”. “This is what speculators are like”, the Minister added, stressing that the Hungarian Government will protect Hungary “from George Soros and his associated parts, because George Soros would leave migrants, chaos and destruction behind him”.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister said Alexander Van der Bellen would like an Austria that is flooded with migrants, with relation to which “he must settle accounts with the Austrian electorate”. “The Hungarian Government doesn’t want to build the country’s future on migrants, but on Hungarian families who live in peace and security”, Mr. Szijjártó said.