“The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) is a strategic partner in export development”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Deputy State Secretary for Export Development István Joó said on Wednesday in Budapest at the year-opener organised by the Chamber under the title Foreign Markets in Focus.

“The Hungarian Government has adopted the National Export Strategy for 2019-2030, which includes the fact that the export market must be diversified, and aims to increase the ratio of Hungarian exports destined for outside the European Union”, he highlighted.

“Trade with the member states of the European Union totals some 80 percent of Hungary’s export structure; the Hungarian products shipped there are competitive and represent a high level of quality and technological content”, the Deputy State Secretary said.

Mr. Joó noted that it is becoming increasingly characteristic of investments in Hungary that they are being realised at a high level of technology and are increasing the efficiency of production.

“According to the National Export Strategy, the export ratio of Hungarian SMEs with their own products and services will be increased by fifty percent. The strategy also specifies priority sectors, including the health economy, the food economy, the construction economy and the creative industry, as well as digitalisation, in addition to which geographical directions are also determinesd, and amongst others it highlights the Western Balkans”, Mr. Joó explained.

“Regulations on the issuing of export licences will be reviewed and simplified if necessary”, he highlighted.

President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry László Parragh stressed that the Chamber is reinforcing its international role, and by doing so is helping Hungarian companies to enter foreign markets independently. He drew attention to the fact that the innovation capability of Hungarian enterprises that are also present on foreign markets is three-and-a-half times that of SME that are only active in Hungary. According to the Chamber President, everything possible must be done to also increase Hungarian exports on the Asian markets.