“The coronavirus epidemic is a serious matter and must not be exploited for political gain”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minster of State for Information and the International Representation of Hungary Tamás Menczer stressed on Hungarian M1 current affairs television on Monday evening.

On Monday, both Jobbik and the Democratic Coalition made statements with relation to the topic, which “cannot be taken seriously, but is extremely damaging, however”, Mr. Menczer said. “The Hungarian government is doing everything possible to ensure that people are safe”, the Minister of State declared.

However, he drew attention to the fact that we are talking about an epidemic, and in such a situation nobody can know what tomorrow will bring. He told reporters that there were three Hungarians aboard the ship that was previously quarantined off the coast of japan. “They stayed their because their work contracts are still valid until May. On Monday, the Japanese authorities stated that the coronavirus tests of one of them had come back positive. He is also well, is not coughing and does not have a temperature”, he added.

With relation to Italy, Mr. Menczer emphasised that the quarantine is currently affecting 11 settlements in the Italian provinces of Lombardy and Veneto. He asked that people only travel to the affected areas if there is an urgent need to do so. In addition, he asked that people consider the situation before travelling to anywhere in Italy. The Minister of State also requested that only people who are truly in trouble call the +39 3396219517 emergency helpline set up in Milan and the +39 348 800 8159 Rome helpline number.