“The dispute between the Hungarian Government and the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is expected to continue in future”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Thursday after taking part in the Committee’s session in Brussels.

“An honest, open and frank discussion took place, but there were some who were slightly confused by the existence of a debate. It would seem that in this house people are allowed to insult a member state, its democratically elected government and the clearly manifested will of the people, but if someone dares reply to this abuse, they are offended”, the Minister said at an international press conference following the debate on the special report on Hungary.

“The LIBE has been conducting a conceptual procedure against Hungary for many years”, and the document presented today contains “qualified lies and blatant accusations”, on top of which a significant part of the report concerns issues that have already been discussed and resolved, and accordingly the Government has compiled a detailed rebuttal of the report and delivered a copy to every MEP, he stressed.


The Government will not allow the implementation of the Soros Plan, and this is clearly uncomfortable for those members of the Committee who are “pro-immigration in the extreme”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó explained that the LIBE Committee wants to achieve the establishment of a mandatory quota mechanism with no temporal or quantitative limits, and in recent days has adopted proposals that if introduced would endanger Hungary’s strict border control measures.

“However, the people of Hungary have voiced a strong opinion with relation to this, and we will not allow anybody to call into question the will of the people. We will not tolerate people in Brussels or any other part of the world insulting the people of Hungary for regarding their own security as the most important criteria”, he said.

“The decision of the Hungarian people sets out a serious task and a major responsibility for the current government, but the clear will of the people is doubling our strength”, he stated.