“The OSCE does not have the power or authority to examine a political campaign from a political perspective”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Hungarian TV2 television’s Tuesday morning show.

The OSCE spoke about some kind of ‘media predominance’ on the part of the governing parties, whereas in fact on Sunday ninety percent of the political news published on the internet was about the fact that Viktor Orbán’s government has failed, that there are major tensions within Fidesz, and that the government will suffer ‘a huge loss’, the Minister said. “Perhaps the OSCE should employ a better interpreter”, Mr. Szijjártó added.

Whatever the case, “the important thing is that the people of Hungary have come to a decision, not the UN or the OSCE, and have given the Government a clear mandate”, he pointed out.

With relation to international reactions to the election result, Mr. Szijjártó said the Czech Prime Minister had already sent a message of congratulation on the night of the election and the Greek Prime Minister was also among the first to send his compliments. Congratulations were also expressed by Serbia’s socialist Minister for Energy, the Economy Minister of Slovakia’s social democratic government, the Foreign Minister of Montenegro’s socialist government, Poland’s former Foreign Minister and the former Norwegian Foreign Minister, who is currently President of the World Economic Forum. The Minister’s Georgian, Kazakh and Moldavian counterparts also expressed their joy and congratulations with relation to the Hungarian Government’s election victory, Mr, Szijjártó listed.

“The result of Sunday’s parliamentary elections represents a huge mandate and huge responsibility, but also a clear task”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister declared.

“Major battles await Hungary in the coming months”, he explained, citing as an example the fact that the mandatory resettlement quota will once again be on the agenda in Brussels in June. “Now they even want to force Hungary to accept the fact that it cannot distinguish between its own citizens and those of other countries”, he added.

“Based on the decision of the Hungarian people, the Hungarian Government is suitable armed to protect the security of the Hungarian people in these debates”, he emphasised.

“The most important international debates are still about handling migration, and accordingly this will continue to be in first place in Hungarian foreign policy”, Mr. Szijjártó said. In addition, Hungary also wants to participate in the competition for investments, towards which Sunday’s landslide victory has also provided a much stronger mandate, the Minister said.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)