“Hungary is alone in complying with Schengen and Dublin regulations during the immigration crisis; the Hungarian model works and the European Union should use it as a basis for finding a solution to the conflict”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

Péter Szijjártó, who was on a private visit to the Békéscsaba Sausage Festival, emphasised that the European Union should find an extremely rapid solution to the immigration crisis because the level of chaos and conflict is increasing “and increasingly deep wounds may develop between neighbouring countries”. Neighbours and partner countries are at each other’s throats in the wake of the crisis caused by immigration pressure, whereas once the crisis has been averted they will once again be neighbours and will again be dependent on mutual cooperation, he said.

More people want to travel from Serbia to Croatia than are able to travel on from there to Slovenia and then on to Austria, he explained, adding that the problem will only accumulate. The Hungarian model clearly works. Hungary – alone – is complying with all Schengen and Dublin regulations, “only we are conforming fully to European Council requirements according to which we must abide by all common EU regulations”, he said.

“The same is now being stated by the Austrians, who praise and acknowledge the construction of the fence and our conformance to Schengen and Dublin regulations”, he continued. “What a long way we have come since the Austrian Chancellor compared us to the darkest ever European dictatorship”, he noted, adding that the Romanians are also using an increasingly conciliatory tone and the Slovenians too are speaking with acknowledgement about the Hungarian model. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, if European wants to call into being a viable model, it should use the Hungarian model as a basis for it. Sunday’s meeting of EU leaders should move towards discussing real action instead of allowing European integration to suffer deep wounds because of the crisis, he noted.

In reply to a question from the press, Mr. Szijjártó said migration routes were being monitored and if required a temporary border security fence would also be constructed along the Hungarian-Romanian border. Some fundamental earthworks have already been performed along the border in preparation for this instance, he added. “If migration routes move in the direction of Romania, we will take necessary action to protect Hungary and its citizens, and to conform to common European regulations”, he declared, adding that for the moment, however, there is no sign that large numbers of immigrants will be arriving from the direction of Romania.

(MTI/Prime Minister's Office)