Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó called ruling by the European Court of Justice in the quota case extremely irresponsible on Thursday, because the decision is totally at odds with the interests of the peoples of Europe and the security of the European Union.

Speaking to reporters during an unofficial meeting of EU defence and foreign ministers in Tallinn, Estonia, Mr. Szijjártó said it was “important to examine the contents of the ruling, in view of the fact that it does not state that Hungary must accept illegal immigrants”.

“What the ruling states is that the decision of the Council of Interior Ministers on the mandatory quota is in line with European regulations” he said.

“This means that a new legal dispute will now begin, during the course of which the Hungarian Government will fight to protect the country”, he underlined, adding that the upcoming legal dispute will concern the implementation of the mandatory resettlement quota.

In reply to another question, the Minister said the decisions of the European Court of Justice cannot be ignored, but people must understand what they concern.

“The Hungarian Government will continue to respect European regulations such as the Schengen Agreement, which includes clearly defined measures on how to protect the eternal borders of the European Union”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“However, the Government will never allow anyone else apart from itself and the Hungarian people to decide who they will let into Hungary”, he declared.