“The government is doubling the 50-billion forint (EUR 141.5 million) budget of its investment program launched to provide funding to enterprises that realise investment projects this year and thereby preserve workplaces”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his Facebook page following Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting.

“407 enterprises have applied for funding since the program was launched three weeks ago, announcing 198 billion forints (EUR 560 million) in investments, with which they will be preserving 73 thousand jobs”, Mr. Szijjártó wrote. “The program is therefore successful, and these investments provide a good foundation for the rebooting of the economy”, he emphasised. “The main goal of the Economy Protection Action Plan is to protect workplaces, and it is based on this that the government launched its investment funding program”, he added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/ MTI)