“On Monday, via the Hungarian Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Government will be officially asking the Chief Editor of the Jerusalem Post to provide a copy of the recording that proves that the Berlin organisation of the Soros network is lobbying to assure that the German Government applies pressure on Hungary through German companies operating in Hungary”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

Péter Szijjártó told the press that the article by The Jerusalem Post based on the recording clearly proves that the Soros network wants to incite disputes between European governments in the interests of furthering the admittance of illegal immigrants, adding that in his view it is outrageous that Hungary is being denigrated because it is not prepared to admit illegal immigrants.

“It is also outrageous that NGOs that have never been elected by anyone are endangering the workplaces of Hungarians and the dependable livelihoods of Hungarian people” the Foreign Minister added.

At his press conference on Sunday, Mr. Szijjártó reacted to the article published in the English language Israeli newspaper in which, based on a recording, the paper writes about how Balázs Dénes, the Hungarian head of the Civil Liberties Union for Europe organisation founded in 2017 with funding from the Soros Foundation, is lobbying against Hungarian legislation.

The Minister said that on the recording it can be heard that Germany’s government could apply pressure on the Hungarian Government via German companies that are investing in Hungary. Mr. Szijjártó added that the six thousand German enterprises currently operating in Hungary provide employment to a total of three hundred thousand people, and 28-29 percent of the foreign working capital invested in Hungary is derived from Germany.

“Accordingly, if someone wants to convince the German Government to exert influence on the Hungarian Government through its investments in Hungary, they are endangering the jobs of tens of thousands, and possible hundreds of thousands of Hungarians”, he pointed out.

The Minister said that the German companies specifically mentioned in the article employ around 35 thousand people, and negotiations are currently underway concerning further investments that would create around 10 thousand well-paying workplaces. “It is these jobs that the activities of the Soros network are endangering”, Mr. Szijjártó warned.

“It transpires from the article that the NGOs want to take action against precisely those laws that would prevent them from concealing their foreign funding”, the Foreign Minister emphasised.