“The heroes of the 1848-49 revolution and war of independence set an example of patriotism. We must also draw strength from their example in view of the fact that our security, Christian culture and national identity are under threat”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed in a video message to cross-border Hungarians.

In a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said Mr. Szijjártó had sent a video message to Hungarians living outside Hungary, which was played at every embassy and consulate general at their respective events to mark the 15 March national holiday. In his speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade spoke about the fact that while paying our respects to the heroes of the 1848-49 revolution and war of independence we can see, they knew how they must decide and act. “Their homeland was in first place in their hearts: they wanted to shake off imperial oppression, they fought for the country’s freedom and independence, and if needed, they even sacrificed their lives for these ideals. Their acts of heroism changed history, and had a significant effect on what we think about ourselves and what others think of us”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“History has also taught us that although we have always had friends, for whose help we were and are naturally grateful, we have fundamentally always only been able to count on ourselves”, he added. “If we do not fight for the country, if we do not protect Hungarian national interests ourselves, then others will not do it for us either”, he declared. According to Mr. Szijjártó, while proudly wearing the cockade in the colours of the national flag above our hearts, we remember the heroes of the 1948-49 revolution and war of independence, who set an example of patriotism.

“However, we must also be capable of drawing strength from their actions, because we must also fight our own battles in view of the fact that our security, Christian culture and national identity are under threat”, he said, highlighting the fact that the heroes of 1848 didn’t assess, didn’t calculate, and were not even afraid of overwhelming odds; all they cared about was defending their homeland and national interests. This is what we must also do on this day”, he said.

“We believe in a Europe of strong nations, and we reject the imperial approach and attempts to reduce national identity”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised. “Europe must be built on security, Christian culture, and an alliance of strong countries”, the Minister said in his video message.