“The latest and most important transport project between Hungary and Slovakia is the high-speed railway line that will connect Budapest to Warsaw, via Bratislava”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told reporters on Thursday on location prior to the inauguration of the Danube bridge at Komárom (Komárno).

“The goal of the high-speed railway line is to reduce the current 11-12 hour travel time between Budapest and Warsaw to just five and a half hours, and to enable travel to Bratislava in just one and a half hours”, Mr Szijjártó stated.
“The Hungarian stretch of the high-speed railway line will pass through Mór to reach Győr, and negotiations are in progress with the Slovakians on whether the railway line will continue into Slovakia at Dunaszerdahely or Rajka, from where it will pass through Bratislava and the Czech Republic all the way to Warsaw”, the Minister explained.

“The investment project is opening a totally new dimension for the economic development of Central Europe, in view of the fact that there are currently no high-speed railway lines in the region”, Mr. Szijjártó stated. “A separate set of tracks will be constructed for the highspeed railway line, enabling passenger trains to travel at speeds of 350 kilometres an hour”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)