“Both the Hungarian and Georgian governments are following a strategy of adapting to the rapidly changing global political and global economic conditions, which greatly facilitates cooperation between the two countries’ enterprises”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at the opening ceremony of the Hungarian-Georgian Business Forum in Tbilisi on Friday.

In his speech, the Minister stressed: “There are no open issues in Hungarian-Georgian political relations, which also provides an excellent background for economic cooperation”.

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“Hungary is the most committed supporter of Georgia’S Euro-Atlantic integration”, he said, welcoming the fact that the EU had finally afforded Georgia visa-free travel.

“This is also the best time for Hungarian-Georgian economic cooperation because the Hungarian economy is moving forward into a new stage in which new technologies and research & development are becoming increasingly important, and the required changes have been implemented to attract companies that apply new technologies to the Hungary”, Mr. Szijjártó explained.

“An important part of Hungary’s economic policy is Eastern Opening, within the framework of which Hungary is striving to develop trade relations with the Caucasian republics, and Georgia is Hungary’s second most important partner in the region”, he continued.

The Minister also told the press that 57 Hungarian businesspeople had come to Tbilisi to participate in the forum, representing one of the largest business delegations, and that in his view this also indicates the level of interest in Georgia on the part of Hungarian businesses. According to Mr. Szijjártó, the agreements being concluded during his visit will provide a secure legal background for future cooperation.

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Amongst others, an investment protection memorandum and a memorandum on inter-ministerial cooperation will be signed during the Minister’s visit. Mr. Szijjártó also noted that Eximbank is opening an 85 million euro credit line to facilitate cooperation between Hungarian and Georgian enterprises.

Georgian Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Giorgi Gakharia stressed: “Georgia’s economy is growing dynamically and corruption represents and increasingly insignificant problem”, adding that Georgia is waiting for Hungarian companies to enter into mutually advantageous projects with local partners.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is on an official visit to Georgia on Thursday and Friday and has been accompanied by several ministers and a business delegation. The business forum organised to coincide with the visit will be officially closed by the Prime Minister and his Georgian counterpart Giorgi Kvirikashvili.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)