“The Hungarian and Croatian borders may now be reopened, and accordingly people who travel to Croatia will no longer have to enter quarantine”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his social media page on Wednesday.

In a video posted to his Facebook profile, Mr. Szijjártó said the Croatian and Hungarian prime ministers had held a telephone conversation on Tuesday, amongst others with relation to reopening the border.

“The numbers mean that the countries of Central Europe have protected themselves well against the virus, and have succeeded in keeping the spread of the virus under control, which now provides an opportunity for cautious reopening”, he stated. “Protecting the lives and health of the Hungarian people is our number one priority, but in view of the fact that the people of Hungary have behaved in a particularly disciplined manner in recent weeks and months during the height of the epidemic in Hungary, we now have the opportunity to lift some of the previously introduced restrictions”, the Minister emphasised.

He added that the Hungarian border had previously already been opened towards Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Serbia, and neither border opening had caused a negative change in the spread of the virus.

“Accordingly, beginning on Friday morning Hungarian and Croatian citizens may now also travel to the two countries without restriction using all seven common border crossing points”, the Minister announced.

Mr. Szijjártó asked people to always take into account local epidemiological measures and regulations prior to travelling.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)