Energy issues were raised among others at the negotiation of the Hungarian - Croatian Joint Committee on Tuesday in Budapest, said Levente Magyar Minister of State for Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade following the meeting. The video was published on the web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Levente Magyar emphasised that they called the attention of the Croatian partner to the fact that it is in Hungary’s best interest to implement gas transmission between Hungary and Croatia within a reasonable timeframe.

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It would also be in Hungary’s benefit in terms of energy if the country could count on emergency energy transmission through the Adria pipeline if problems of transmission from the East should arise. Currently, this project has been hindered by a few regulation issues that will hopefully be resolved soon – he said.

The Minister of State reported that they also consulted about hydrocarbon fields in the Hungarian - Croatian border region, which is in the interest of both countries, as an enormous oil and natural gas deposit can be found in this area below the ground.

He communicated that the Hungarian - Croatian Energy Joint Committee would meet again this year to discuss the above questions.

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Levente Magyar also underlined that the number of border crossing points at the Hungarian - Croatian border section is far too low, and said that according to the Hungarian government this is unacceptable.

In order to improve the situation, the government made a commitment to expand motorway M6 to the Croatian border in the following years - the financial resources of which are already available, thus creating a motorway connection between Budapest and Zagreb if Croatia would also build the section between Eszék and the border – he explained.

He added that the expansion of road M60 and 67 to the border is also being planned.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)