“The Hungarian economy is now living through a period of records; Hungary has the most rapid rate of growth of the European Union’s member states”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Friday in Jászberény.

At the opening ceremony of the city’s nine-day Jazz Expo and Festival, which lasts until next Sunday, Mr. Szijjártó thanked everyone who has contributed to enabling the rate of economic growth to be 5.1 percent today.

“Hungarian exports are also breaking records year after year: Hungary is ranked 92 in the world with relation to its population, but its export performance is ranked 34”, he added.

“All this indicates that, thanks to the industry and professional expertise of the Hungarian people and the confidence of investors, a situation has arisen where the most competitive products and services on the global market include those produced by the Hungarian people”, the Minister stated.

“Hungary now has the lowest level of unemployment since the regime change, and the enterprises operating in Jászberény are playing a significant role in this. People living in the Jászság region have contributed to the fact that the Hungarian economy can boast a ‘European Champion level of growth’ today”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

The Minister also said that the products and services produced by Hungarians are capable of being competitive throughout the world, either directly or via suppliers, explaining that in his opinion Jászberény is a good example of how rural cities are playing an increasingly large role in the continuous growth and advancement of the Hungarian economy. He spoke about the fact that since 2010 the performance and capital attraction capability of rural cities has improved significantly.

“People living in Jászberény and the Jászság region can be proud of the fact that increasing numbers of companies that occupy an important rank on the global market and in the global economy are deciding to establish their production, research & development and service activities in the city or in the region. Amongst other things, the road network is playing a major part in this, and this is why we are placing major emphasis on constructing new roads”, he told the press.

The region’s Member of Parliament János Pócs (Fidesz) said, amongst others, that many foreign-owned companies have come to Hungary including to the Jászság region, adding that during the past 4-5 years the region has profited thanks to some 200 billion forints (EUR 606 million) in investment, with the region’s settlements also receiving 13 billion forints (EUR 39.4 million) in ‘TOP’ funding via the Territorial and Settlement Development Operative Programme.

From among the various development programmes being realised in Jászberény, he mentioned the school, nursery school, kindergarten and hospital investment projects, in addition to which a new nurses’ accommodation is being established, the main square, the marketplace and the Margaret island are being refurbished, and the newly renovated hotel on the city’s main square will soon be inaugurated. Furthermore, construction of the A32 main road and the road bypassing the city will also begin next spring, he added.

Mayor of Jászberény Tamás Szabó (Fidesz-KDNP) told reporters that the Jazz Expo and Festival represents the cooperation and solidarity that the people of the Jászság region have always shown for centuries. The Jazz Expo and Festival is being organised by the city government and is being timed to coincide with the region’s largest business expo and fair.

CEO János Szabó told the press that over fifty businesses and entrepreneurs will be showcasing their products and services within the framework of the Jazz Expo and Festival. This year, the guest of honour of the event is the town of Újszász. The Fair’s awards were presented at the opening ceremony, of which the Grand Prix was awarded to Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Ltd., which operated in Jászfényszaru, the Fair Award was presented to the MKB Bank in Jászberény, and the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Council’s special award was presented to Jászberény Asset and City Management Non-profit Co. Ltd.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)