In response to a press release from the US Department of State on Tuesday, the press chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Hungarian government has a clear interest in reaching an agreement on the issue of Central European University (CEU), and it is unfortunate that no support for this process has been forthcoming from the US federal government.

For more than three weeks Special Envoy Kristóf Altusz, the chief negotiator appointed by the Prime Minister, has been awaiting an official reply to the negotiation timetable he outlined to the US party. A press release falls far short of an official diplomatic reply. The Hungarian government has a clear interest in reaching an agreement, but unfortunately no support for this process has been forthcoming from the US federal government. This is particularly regrettable in light of the fact that the on three separate occasions in the past few decades the Hungarian and US governments have concluded agreements on education issues.

It is also important to emphasise that no one in Hungary is threatening academic freedom and the independence of universities. The Hungarian Act on higher education is not discriminatory, and no objections to it have been raised by either the Chinese, Malaysian or Thai universities affected by the amendment, nor by the ambassadors of the countries affected. Two of the three US universities in question have likewise shown themselves willing to cooperate, and to seek agreement.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)