While the Luxembourgian Foreign Minister wants to organise immigration, the Hungarian Government wants to stop it: “this is the fundamental and irresolvable difference between us”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday.

Mr. Szijjártó was reacting to a statement by Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn in a German newspaper interview published in Monday, according to which: the European Union’s refugee policy is facing total failure.

Referring to the quota case, he added: The EU’s court ruled in September that accepting refugees is mandatory for all member states, therefore including Poland and Hungary, but “they don’t care about that”. He stressed that a legal opportunity must be established for immigration aimed at Europe.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister declared with reaction to the above that Hungary has spent 270 billion forints (EUR 858 million) of taxpayers’ money on the fence and on border protection. “Brussels hasn’t contributed a single cent towards this. So much for solidarity”, he said.