“The Hungarian Government wishes to always be a partner in the protection and expansion of the acquired rights of cross-border Hungarians”, State Secretary Tamás Menczer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a statement to public media at the beginning of his two-day visit to Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc) on Thursday.

The Minister said there are several reasons and goals for his visit. Firstly, he has brought donations for the Csibész Foundation in Csíkszereda, which cares for orphaned children. After presenting these, he will be meeting with mayors from the Szeklerland region to listen to their suggestions. On Friday, he will be taking part in a citizens’ oath-taking ceremony at the Hungary Consulate General in Csíkszereda, will me meeting with the local organisers of the papal visit to Csíksomlyó (Şumuleu Ciuc) planned for 1 June, will hold a lecture at the Sapienta Transylvanian Hungarian University of Sciences, and will visit the Szeklerland Football Academy.

Mr. Mencszer told the press that a charity concert had been held at the Kodály Centre in favour of the Csibész Foundation, which had also been sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and that he had brought the donations collected there to the orphanage managed by István Gergely (Tiszti). He expressed his hope that the children’s lives will be made a little happier and easier thanks to the pledged donations.

The State Secretary said that assisting and standing up for cross-border Hungarians is one of the most important tasks of the Hungarian Government. “We believe it is extremely important that cross-border Hungarians are able to preserve their national identity, their Hungarian nature, their customs, their traditions, their native language and their native language education. In the language of politics, acquired rights must remain in place, and if possible be further expanded. The Hungarian Government will always be a partner in this”, Mr. Menczer said.