According to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, the Hungarians aren’t interested in being talked down to by pro-immigration, liberal politicians.

Mr. Szijjártó was reacting to a piece published in Canadian liberal daily The Globe and Mail, commenting on the fact that former Canadian Prime Minister and Chairman of the International Democratic Union (IDU) Stephen Harper had congratulated the Fidesz-KDNP coalition on its election victory. According to the paper, the message of congratulations triggered general distaste in “political circles” and “several others”. The paper quotes liberal MP Marco Mendicino, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Canadian Justice Ministry, according to whom the people of Canada will find it “shocking” that Stephen Harper congratulated Viktor Orbán on his re-election, “knowing that the Prime Minister is the unabashed supporter of ethnic cleansing in Europe”, “demonises the refugees” and “has introduced a host of antidemocratic measures against the free press, the independent judiciary and democratic values, which is totally at odds with the fundamental values that Canada stands for”.

In a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday, the Hungarian Foreign Minister highlighted: “The Parliamentary Secretary is outraged that a former Canadian Prime Minister congratulated Viktor Orbán on his election victory. We know this kind of liberal arrogance very well: if they win the elections, everything’s fine, but if they lose then it’s the end of democracy as we now it”.

“The Canadian liberal Parliamentary Secretary believes that the fate of the Hungarian people should not be decided by the Hungarian people, but by him”, he wrote. “But the Hungarian people aren’t interested in being talked down to by pro-immigration, liberal politicians, and at the democratic Hungarian elections they voted in favour of Viktor Orbán and his national government that rejects immigration”, he pointed out.

“The Parliamentary Secretary also accuses Viktor Orbán of ‘ethnic cleansing’, which in unacceptable and indicates that the liberal politician is not just pompous and arrogant, but is also a liar”, Mr. Szijjártó stated. “The Hungarian Government has been accused of ‘ethnic cleansing’ by several parties in recent years simply for protecting the people of Hungary from illegal immigrants”, he stressed, adding: “None of the people who have made these accusations are still in their former positions, they have all become failed politicians”.

“The Hungarian Government continues to regard the safety of the Hungarian people as its primary responsibility and will not bow to any kind of foreign pressure; no illegal immigrants will be allowed to enter Hungary”, the Minister underlined.