“The international liberal mainstream has once again launched an all-out attack on Hungary”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday in response to the international criticism of Hungary’s governing parties with relation to Tuesday’s parliamentary mandate provided as part of protecting against the coronavirus pandemic.

“There is nothing surprising in the current attack launched by the fallen left-wing Italian prime minister, the perpetual coalition little sister German socialists, the Austrian greens and Luxembourgian communists, neither of whom have ever won an election, and the exceedingly intolerant northern liberals: when we protect the Hungarian people from major trouble, they always attack us””, Mr. Szijjártó wrote.

“The international liberal mainstream attacked us ten years ago when we sent the IMF home, and instead of austerity measures cut taxes and gave people work, thus saving Hungary from economic collapse. The international liberal mainstream also attacked us five years ago, when we rejected the mandatory quotas relating to the resettlement of illegal immigrants, built a fence along our southern border and stationed police and military personnel there, thus protecting the security of the Hungarian people. The international liberal mainstream has also attacked us now, when we were given a mandate by the democratically elected Hungarian National Assembly to protect the country against the coronavirus pandemic”, the Minister said.
The Hungarian Foreign Minister said that in his opinion the parties and politicians of the political group in question are frustrated and jealous: “They can only dream of having a level of public support such as that possessed by the Hungarian government, which has won the last three parliamentary elections with a two-thirds majority”.

“The parties and politicians of the international liberal mainstream are deeply antidemocratic, because they totally disregard, and in fact question the will of the Hungarian people. The will of the Hungarian people based on whose mandate we are governing”, he added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)