Michael Roth, the “German left-wing Minister of State, is wrong”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

“European civil liberties do not apply to illegal immigrants, and they especially do not apply to terrorists”, the Minister stressed.

Mr. Szijjártó was reacting to the fact that according to the German Federal Government the “Stop Soros” legislative package is cause for concern.

In a statement on Thursday, the German Federal Foreign Office’s Minister of State for European Affairs, Michael Roth stressed that the Government’s legislative proposals could make the work of civil society organisations that help refugees and asylum-seekers difficult, and perhaps impossible. The German Social Democratic party (SPD) politician added that he had made these concerns “unmistakably clear” before the Hungarian Government.

In reaction, Mr. Szijjártó said: “This is the opinion of social democratic minister who is well known for being pro-immigration”. “A politician who has always voiced the importance of immigration, and who himself wanted to bring immigrants into Europe together with the Soros organisations”, he added.

“The Hungarian Government’s standpoint on illegal immigration is clear and unchanged: The country’s borders must be protected and the security of the Hungarian people is our primary concern. We will not allow Hungary to become an immigrant country”, the Foreign Minister emphasised.

Mr. Szijjártó also pointed out that by protecting Hungary’s borders the Hungarian Government is also preventing another influx of millions of illegal immigrants from going to Germany. “We don’t expect Michael Roth to thank us for this, but we do expect him to respect the facts”, he added.

“The ‘Stop Soros’ legislative package is essential to defending Hungarian national security”, Mr. Szijjártó declared.